L. Jacques BOYODI

Application developer and UX&UI Designer


Hi, my name is Jacques and I'm a Frontend developer and Designer. Highly qualified for the progressive improvement of the systems of design and engineering of the user interface as well as its experience.



University Defitech

Computer science(génie logiciel)


Cisco network

Cisco CCNA

Sept 2019-2021


My projects

Project manager

A web application developed in Angular and spring boot which allows you to manage the projects and tasks of several companies

Media player

A Desktop application developed in JavaFX which allows to read audios and videos

Facial recognition

An application developed in Python thanks to OpenCV which allows to detect faces and recognize them in a photo or video

Gestion de stock

A Desktop application developed in Java thanks to javaSwing and jdbc which allows to manage the articles in a shop as well as to generate after-sales invoices

Prototype BÒYÒ

Realization of a user journey, a series of wireframes and then some interactive models taking into account the technical constraints related to the development of the application BÒYÒ

Mobile Design

Complete redesign of the TOPKIFER mobile application. An e-commerce application

Contact me

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